Plan miasta Hestviken

Hestviken - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Harry Potter, finally!

I don't know a thing about the outcome and hopefully blinders will not remove until I finish. I had to wait til my friend finished hers so I could borrow it... in the meantime had to finish the Master of Hestviken tetrology by Sigrid ...
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Reading Sigrid Undset Today

"She was not very zealous in the faith, for she had much to see to on her estate." Vigdis lives on for another ten years. Her son having delivered his father's head to her, he leaves her, saying, "If I live, I will surely come back some ...
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Las Precursoras

Buena parte de su obra (como "Kristin Lavransdotter" y la tetralogía "El se?or de Hestviken") está inspirada en la historia medieval de su país. Sus novelas muestran la erudición y el estilo original y sereno de su autora. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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